Ashwaghosh Education And Vyayam Prasarak Mandal's

Women's College of Bachelor of Computer Application, Aurangabad - 431003

(Affiliated to S.N.D.T. Women's University, Mumbai)

Department of Humanity & Social Science

Course: - Masters of Arts (Sociology)

Year Semester Paper Code Subject Name Download PO,PSO & COs
1st Year First Sem 111501 Classical Sociological Traditions 2011-12 & Onward’s -
111502 Methodology of Social Research 2011-12 & Onward’s -
111503 Social Anthropology 2011-12 & Onward’s -
111601 Education & Society 2011-12 & Onward’s -
111701 Political Sociology 2011-12 & Onward’s -
Second Sem 211501 Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology 2011-12 & Onward’s -
211502 Data Collection & Analytical Procedures 2011-12 & Onward’s -
211503 Social Demography 2011-12 & Onward’s -
211601 Globalization & Society 2011-12 & Onward’s -
211701 Sociology of Disaster Management 2011-12 & Onward’s -
2nd Year Third Sem 311501 Perspectives on Indian Society 2011-12 & Onward’s -
311502 Urban Sociology 2011-12 & Onward’s -
311503 Industry and Society in India 2011-12 & Onward’s -
311602 Sociology of Agrarian Society 2011-12 & Onward’s -
311702 Sociology of Popular Culture and Mass Communication 2011-12 & Onward’s -
Fourth Sem 411501 Recent Trends in Sociological Theory 2011-12 & Onward’s -
411502 Sociology of Modernization and Development 2011-12 & Onward’s -
411503 Sociology of Social Movements 2011-12 & Onward’s -
411602 Gender and Society 2011-12 & Onward’s -
511702 Sociology of Information Society 2011-12 & Onward’s -